Online Forms
Online Course Enrolment form
Use this form if you wish to enrol in one of our courses.
Please Note: If you are external to Corrective Services NSW you must first discuss your requirements with the relevant training unit. This information can be found on the landing page for the course you are interested in. Please feel free to contact us for further clarification.
If intending to seek recognition after enrolling you will need to contact the training unit sponsoring the course
you are enrolling into for advice on the National Recognition process.
Information on recognition can be found here.
Accommodation Form for Internal Staff
Use this form if you are internal to Corrective Services NSW and wish to book accommodation (this includes Custodial and Community Corrections trainees.)
Note: You MUST provide a valid course and start date (or conference/meeting name, etc.) There is a 75km linear radius exclusion zone that applies to all internal accommodation requests.
Accommodation Form for External Clients
Use this form if you want to book accommodation and are external to Corrective Services NSW.
Please Note: You must provide the details of your accounts payable team before your accommodation will be confirmed.
Request for Re-Issue of Qualification
Use this form to request the re-issue of a qualification originally issued from the Brush Farm Corrective Services Academy.