Brush Farm Academy > Courses & Calendar

Working in Vocational Education and Training

Capacity to Deliver: Communication

Staff who are involved in the training and/or assessment of nationally recognised training need to have a good understanding of the National Vocational Education and Training system that operates within Australia.

This online course will provide you with an overview of the essential information that you need to know about VET regulations, qualifications, training packages and working in a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). Completion of this course will result in a Statement of Training and is a pre-requisite for participation in the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

Course duration:

1 hour              

Target group:             

All staff involved in the delivery of training and assessment of nationally recognised training              

Training unit:

Curriculum and Systems Advice



​For CSNSW staff only
Open to non-departmental staffOpen to non-CSNSW staff
Residential component
Regional training
Blended delivery
National Recognised Training