Brush Farm Academy > Courses & Calendar

EDRMS Introduction

Capacity to Deliver: Technology

Electronic Document and Records Management System

This online course will show you how to use the basic features of the EDRMS. It covers the features you are most likely to need when you are new to the EDRMS and includes plenty of exercises for you to try. The course includes basic record keeping principles; an overview of the EDRMS screen features; how to create and locate records and how to email and print documents stored in the EDRMS

Note: A PC with access to the intranet or internet is required for this course


Course duration: approximately 2 hours

Target group: All staff

Training unit: Workforce Learning Unit




​For CSNSW staff only
Open to non-departmental staffOpen to non-CSNSW staff
Residential component
Regional training
Blended delivery
National Recognised Training