Brush Farm Academy > Courses & Calendar

Library @ CSNSW Online Library Training

Capacity to Deliver: Technology

Have you every wondered how to access the information you need to do your work better, or help with your studies? Is the internet not enough for you? Maybe you never have the chance to visit the 'real' library as much as you'd like to. The Library @ CSNSW Online Library Training course can help by providing you with the skills and knowledge that will enable you to access the world of information available in the online books, journals and databases available through the CSNSW Library Service (Library @ CSNSW ). Some of the topics covered include: how to use the online catalogue, how to order items from the library, how to search the online databases and how to read your favourite journals on your desktop. The course can be delivered at BFCSA or at other locations. Contact the Manager, Library Services if you would like to arrange for training. Completion of this course will result in a Statement of Training.

Course duration: 1 day

Target group: All staff

Training unit: Library @ CSNSW 




​For CSNSW staff only
Open to non-departmental staffOpen to non-CSNSW staff
Residential component
Regional training
Blended delivery
National Recognised Training